Saturday, January 06, 2007
About Me
- Name: Mark
- Location: Arandor, NĂºmenor
...writing, trying to read, a good theological discussion, the color yellow, baseball of any kind, strong coffee.
- Center for Reformed Theology and Apologetics
- Monergism
- Ligonier Ministries
- Orthodox Presbyterians
- Can/Am Reformed Churches
- United Reformed Churches
- Abounding Grace Radio
- White Horse Inn
- Jamie Soles Music
- Reformed Perspective
I know it's not necessarily pc, but I wish he could have rested in peace. He had the opportunity for God's love just like everyone else. What a pity that man's arrogance gets in the way of God's gift, and destroys it for so many others.
This was so sad. I know he was an aweful man and a man that seemed to have no conscience but all i could think when they killed him was, "How sad that he never gave his life to Christ and that he is dying firmly in Satan's grasp." I felt aweful for him and the members of his family that were killed at the same time. What a tradgedy.
What's up, Mark? Did you nail down that internship yet? Am I going to beat ya to graduation? =)
-- Caleb
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