Help say 'THANK YOU' to Joshua Sparling
This is way too important to pass by in my quest to prepare for tomorrow's final.
Thanks to Michelle Malkin for getting the word out. This was also on Fox & Friends yesterday morning.
Some sick person sent a Christmas card to a wounded soldier...with an interesting inside message: "P.S. DIE" And yes, this was apparently the only card Joshua Sparling recieved.

Please send him a real card right away:
Joshua Sparling
c/o Walter Reed Army Medical Center
6900 Georgia Avenue N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20307-5001
Thanks to Michelle Malkin for getting the word out. This was also on Fox & Friends yesterday morning.
Some sick person sent a Christmas card to a wounded soldier...with an interesting inside message: "P.S. DIE" And yes, this was apparently the only card Joshua Sparling recieved.

Please send him a real card right away:
Joshua Sparling
c/o Walter Reed Army Medical Center
6900 Georgia Avenue N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20307-5001
That is outragious!
Thank you for that Mark. I have a letter all stamped and ready.
Appalling... and disturbing! This looks like it was written by a CHILD; how can a child manifest such a sickening attitude?!? My thanks to soldiers like Joshua who continue the battle despite indictment from those who ought to be supporting them!
That is just sick. I can't believe that someone would do something like that.
Most likely it was just an adult masquerading as a child. Its still ghastly though.
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