Tuesday, April 27, 2010

'Though one rise from the dead'

Once upon a time I was fascinated with stories of those who have conducted extensive searches of the Ararat mountains in Turkey, looking for clues to what might have become of the great ark of deliverance. I guess I've still retained that interest. Who wouldn't.

As it turns out, the search has been continued longer than I thought and now someone claims to have found hard evidence.

But I remember once, when I was probably just 8 years old, speaking to my grandpa, a pastor, about the stories and books I had read by some of the explorers. He asked me an important question when I was done with my show and tell:
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Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Stylin' Kim

I can't resist. This is too funny.

Apparently N Korea is isolated enough that their press will print anything and think its believable — even going as far as to claim that Kim Jong Il is setting style trends with his oldman grotesque monotone pleats, zippers and shades.

From the AFP:
Kim and his deceased father Kim Il-Sung are at the heart of a personality cult that borders on religion, with near-magical powers ascribed to the younger Kim.

Rainbows supposedly appeared over sacred Mount Paekdu where Kim Jong-Il was allegedly born, and he is said once to have scored 11 holes-in-one in a single round of golf.