Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Lost causes and Fiddlers

Well, tomorrow is our last game of the church softball season.  I'm going to just say it and be done with it: we haven't won a game and we don't expect to win the last one!  There, it has been said now.  Ours was a very new team and we can be thankful that we did as well as we did.  I don't know if I will pitch the last game--I think that would be an interesting thing to do...  I am thinking about asking to pitch just because I want to be there in the middle of the field and fight for the lost cause where it will hurt the most!  Oh yeah!  Bring it on!!

My sister is acting in a play this week... It's a small rendition of Fiddler on the Roof and she is Hodel.  It should be very interesting!  I think I'm just a little jealous I never got into acting!  This is Beka's first one and she is (as you can imagine) very happy to have a leading role.  The first performance is on Thursday and she told me I shouldn't go that day because she thinks that is when the most mistakes are going to happen!  Too late for that because it looks like I might be at all three of them!  I've never seen a live play of Fiddler on the Roof so I am looking forward to it.

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