Wednesday, December 22, 2004

The few...

I spent most of last weekend in Oregon for my cousin's wedding. It was a happy, yet sobering affair. This cousin of mine is about six months younger than myself and is the first among our "age group of guys" to take matrimonial vows. What I mean is that when you have so many cousins and they all know each other on one side of you family, you tend to get to know the other guys your age and think of them as a group...

So, there's Jalon (just married), Matt, Tim, Jeremiah, Ethan...and me. (Who knows, maybe I missed some.

But yes, Jalon took the plunge. He's a mature minded kind of guy who just happens to be a Marine soon to serve in Iraq starting come February. He wore his dress blues and the colors of the wedding were cleverly selected with this in mind. I must say that one of the most striking things about the whole affair was the relative smoothness in which it was prepared for and carried out. I was there about two hours before the wedding and, while people were busy, there were no flustered coordinators or parents running around in a frenzy like I am accustomed to seeing to some degree. Things just happened and no one thought any different. I think it helped that the families of both the bride and groom went to the same church--where there wedding was held--and this familiarity was good for keeping things on an even keel.

There was much to think about during this trip and I'm so glad that I made it. I hadn't seen Jalon and I was looking forward almost as much to simply seeing him as seeing him get married. He's a man, and he has made his claim on life as a man should. I'm intensely proud of that simple fact. While other 20-year-olds are still bumming around either at college or home with no particular plan other than work for a dollar and have a girlfriend, Jalon is moving forward and taking hold of what God intended for man. He has a rough road ahead (for obvious reasons) but I have no doubt he will face it like he has the rest of his life. I can't even imagine anything else from him in the situations he will undoubtedly face in the next year. We'll all be praying for him and his bride. It's North Carolina for them while he gets ready to ship out and that is also where they will call home for now.

Oh...and I caught the brides garter for the second time in my illustrious career.
<< Home 1 Comments:
Blogger Rebekah said...

I think you did a great job of overview Markus! I think I'll be writing on the subject in my blog soon....

2:53 PM, December 26, 2004  

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