Monday, January 15, 2007
About Me
- Name: Mark
- Location: Arandor, NĂºmenor
...writing, trying to read, a good theological discussion, the color yellow, baseball of any kind, strong coffee.
- Center for Reformed Theology and Apologetics
- Monergism
- Ligonier Ministries
- Orthodox Presbyterians
- Can/Am Reformed Churches
- United Reformed Churches
- Abounding Grace Radio
- White Horse Inn
- Jamie Soles Music
- Reformed Perspective
Okay. We are of a different race - did we know that already? No matter how many times I took this quiz, I always ended up Rohirrim! (did I spell that correctly?)Even when I left out the "horse riding!"
I always knew I was born for tragedy.
We must be way spread out!!
The first time I took it I was Elvin. the second - don't laugh - Entish!! The third Rohirrim. I'm not sure how I managed that.
I quit after all that. I didn't want to know what I would end up next as.
19941 other people got this result!
This quiz has been taken 1004 times.
21% of people had this result.
At least there are 20,000 people like me.
Anna, I always knew you were a horse-loving tree-elf! LOL
I was Rohirrim...sweeeeet
Elven - how artsy
I don't think so...
I'm a split personality: both Hobbit and Ent. Quite the combo
I suppose my two results can be correlated to what I'm drinking: when it's PORT I'm an Elf, when it's GUINNESS I'm a Hobbit!
This quiz is not quite fair since you can obviously tell where the answers would put you. If it was less obvious and more character-judging, then it would be very interesting indeed. And Anna would probably not have gotten so many weird results. LOL
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