Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Easy on the details

There are quite a few details about my weekend trip that I didn't not include; guess I'm just lazy. I don't mind it in this case though because if I had done so in my last post it would have been overwhelming and it is questionable whether you could have retained the essential elements with such a slew of extras facts.

Well, here's a few more details.

We, myself and my two sisters Anna and Beka, traveled to Oregon the day of the wedding (Saturday) and survived this initial trip with every appropriate amount of fortitude. We followed my uncle Steve the whole way so that made things a bit less worrisome for Anna--if you don't take into account the constant battle to stay behind his Dodge pickup as he wove in and out of traffic :) No matter, we arrived safe and somewhat sound and so as far as I'm concerned, it was mission accomplished. We stopped over at Jalon's family's home (uncle Jon's house) and eventually made our way to the church after stopping for lunch at a nearby shopping center.

My brother-in-law, Joel was the officiating minister. He had to preach the next morning back home in Salinas, California so he was understandably ever so slightly stressed, especially since this kind of schedule was nothing new to him for the last two weeks. And yes, it was good to see him again too. He and Rachel and the kids are just one group of relatives who will be visiting here during the holidays sometime.

After the wedding was completed and the bride and groom sent off, we again traveled over the state line to find our lodging with a friend of our who has always been kind enough to provide us a bed when we are passing through the area. It's always nice to stop and visit another old family friend. Unfortunately for us, though, the directions we had were not clear enough to get us there on such a dark and foggy night. What should have been a 45 minute trip, wound up being closer to 2 hours. It was a sad thing to behold. We made it, though, because Jeanette had us stop when we hit a familiar landmark then she just drove to where we were and had us follow her back. That was most helpful.

Regardless of the late hour, we all had a cup of chai and a good conversation before hitting the sack. We had thought about our options for possibly visiting a friend's church on the way home the next morning but it wasn't long before we completely abolished that idea in favor of taking it easy in the morning. We claimed to want to leave by about 10 but few of us thought that it would happen, so...we all overslept a little.

I drove the trip home and it was as good as such a drive could be. The traffic was heavy but thankfully not slow and we made good time--even though we didn't leave Jeanette's house till after 11.
<< Home 1 Comments:
Blogger Rebekah said...

You know, I was quite satisfied with myself for leaving out the more unpleasant details of our sojourn. I find it much more serene to meditate on its euphoric apects--but then I'm a romantic not a reporter. =)

4:43 PM, December 27, 2004  

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