Tuesday, November 01, 2005

The superfluous side

It's cold out.

Last weekend was a good one--plenty of celebration in commemoration of Reformation Day. On Friday we had our church's Reformation Day dinner, complete with a ton of costumes, food, music and a skit. While not a packed house, it was still a good time, and those who attended complimented the organizers profusely. I had hopped to have some pictures up by now but that is still pending. On Sunday, we were casted in Jackie's play depicting Anne Askew the martyr, at the Oak Harbor OPC. Although a dialogue heavy play, it was still a hit. After it ended we sang the poem Anne Askew wrote before she died a capella--it is set to the tune of "Oh Sacred Head," so that wasn't too difficult. Mom was just thrilled that we stayed right on pitch through all four verses without accompaniment.

School's the same: full of take-you-to-the-brink thrills and every-other-week, one-evening pauses like tonight--I'm sitting in the Underground Coffeehouse again...and yes, the music is pounding again...*sigh* (the rap artists have had the floor for the last half hour)...

It's really hard to believe, and yet encouraging, that the quarter is over half over. I really can hardly wait--for more reason than one. So the short version is that I'll be taking a trip to Ontario in December right after Christmas though the rest of the year. I promise I'll fill in the details soon.
<< Home 5 Comments:
Blogger Gloria said...

This is kind of lame but I never heard of Anne Askew. Who is she?

If you don't like that coffee house to much, Why do you go there? Personally I can't see why anyone would go to a coffee house at all. But I guess you like that kind of thing.

Hmm. Ontario. I have not seen some of my friends there in a long time. Sorry but email just does not cut it.

9:32 PM, November 01, 2005  
Blogger Joshua said...

I know what you mean about it being cold. Tomorrow it is supposed to get below 80 degrees! This morning I even had to wear my light jacket until noon, though it got a bit too warm for it around 10am ;)
The reformation day dinner sounds like a fun time...that is a really neat idea! Did you dress as specific characters or in general reformation era garb?

I completely agree that it is crazy thinking college is well over halfway done! Do fill in the details of your Canadian trip (I'm assuming you are referring to Ontario, Canada!).

9:57 PM, November 01, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I promise I'll fill in the details soon." -Please do, I'm still wondering if you got the ticket :)

8:01 AM, November 02, 2005  
Blogger Mark said...

Rebekah would know who Anne Askew is better than I considering she was casted in that role.

Joshua...I bet your still wearing those light-weight pants too. We were no one specific unless we needed to make our outfits work for a person in a skit. I was a Roman Catholic theologen in the play, and the emperor's herald in our church's skit. My outfit worked for both. I think I'm going to link to Andrea's pictures in a second here.

I've got the tickets in the bag...and you probably know more of the details than anyone here. :)

9:46 AM, November 02, 2005  
Blogger Gloria said...

I love the new song you put on.

4:05 PM, November 02, 2005  

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