Columbia on vacation (updated)

The good hearted ship has decided to take a little break--at least I hope and pray that's all it is. Otherwise I may very well find myself hunting for a REALLY good priced car (with fewer miles I suppose). There's a good possibility the transmission is dead--not confirmed, mind you, so there's always the chance the problem is a little more secondary than that.
It was Sunday evening that Columbia broke up on takeoff. With every gear a perfect replication of neutral, we push her back onto our driveway for the night. Yesterday wasn't quite so simple. My good friend Crystal had pity on this shipless pilot and offered the use of her truck. From there, I'm not sure if I'm the one who is qualified to tell of the ensuing adventures. However, one new battery later (and new tabs), I'm running around campus getting my stick-shifting back up to par.
Does this story have an end? Only God knows. I'll find out what's the deal with my car today. Hope whatever is occupying your time this fine second week of the year is edifying and helpful too.
UPDATE: The official post mortum has declared the transmission a total loss...and thus totalling the car.
"I'm in the market, as it were."
Couldn't be operator-related, could it? Our poor little Echo still shudders at the mention of the word "median" :P Nonetheless, hope Old Faithful revives soon...
I'm sorry for your car Mark. I hope you find the problem and get it fixed really soon.
Sorry bout your car, but I couldn't help but laugh at the thought that Zack's car is older and more beat up, and it's still running! I'm sure he'll find time to bug you about it ;)
ouch. Bummer, dude - - you should invest in a car like mine :) it's perty sweet. :D
What kind of car are you looking for?
Since he mentioned it up I have updated my blog with my side of the truck story under "Truck Tales"
Long live the Columbia....a ride I shall never forget...
Gloria: Think cheap...I mean, sort of.
Think VW Bug. Blue, preferably :P
Forget the car drive a Truck
Well that is just my opinion
Your old friend
The Toyota Camry depicted is from the mid-1980s. 20 years is a pretty good life span from an automatic transmission, eh?
Late January is a good time to buy a replacement car. Sales volume at car dealers is WAY down, private party sellers also are quite motivated.
Good luck!
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