Sunday, July 17, 2005

Resting from the work of my hands

It's been a long week at work. It's helpful, though, that the challenges of each day were not the same--it's easier to deal with mentally when each day its own trial.

As can be expected, the weekends are highly attractive. Yesterday, our church picnic got canceled but, of course, there's never a shortage of things to do. There's always an invitation to do one thing or another and so this time it was a walk around Lake Padden with some good friends...ok, Emily and a few other friends and cousins (is that explanation enough?). After the lake, I headed south to Sedro Woolley where a friend from the Burlington church was having his 25th birthday party. That was a time and half and I got to enjoy the surroundings of a lovely farm in a beautiful valley by a river...need I say more? Good times.

This morning Grandpa made it back to church after several months at home from surgery. He was quite determined that he had waited long enough and it was high time he made it back. In fact, it looks like he's going tonight as well! Praise the Lord!

Tomorrow at work will be interesting because I do have some lasting problems that haven't really receded over the weekend--problems from work. My hand joints are aching really bad, turning every morning into a trial to just get my hands open and my fingers straight. Again, it's not muscle soreness, it's an arthritic type of pain and I'm doing my best (along with mom) to find a suitable treatment. Ultimately, I don't know how lasting it will be but my hands had a lot of stress last week--I worked the nail gun more than I'd ever done up to this point. Most people deal with wrist pain from using the nail guns. Not so for me, or at least I don’t notice it because my hands hurt so much worse.

Anyway, that’s just a prayer request. I need to run off to church now. I'm the last one out the door because I lost track of time...hehe. Cheers!
<< Home 7 Comments:
Blogger Rebekah said...

Grandpa made it to church--what joyful news! Every day I realize more fully how absolutely real that phrase is: Praise God from whom all blessings flow!
I can hardly begin to tell you what a blessing this trip has been and continues to be. God is so good. I can't wait to share with you some of the amazing things I've been learning. But then, I don't really want to stop learning, I want to stay and continue. Ach! All I can say is that...

I've got to praise God in Washington, praise God in New York, praise God while changing diapers, praise God while enjoying a square meal. There is nothing I can do in this life in which there is not a cause, a reason, an overwhelming reason to praise God.
I love you bro--take care of those old arthritic (!) hands.

8:52 PM, July 17, 2005  
Blogger Crystal said...

I am sooo happy to hear that your gramdpa was feeling up to getting back to church. I really do need to come by and see them one day soon now that I know he is feeling better. I hate to come by when I know his health is fragile and not up to a lot of visitors.
That is a bit strange about your hands. You know some types of arthritis are brought one by strange events and can be controled with diet and lifestyle to some degree, that is if in fact that's what you are suffering from. I will keep that in prayer because it sounds like it could get frusterating in a really big hurry.

7:30 AM, July 18, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

how wonderful that your Grandpa is doing better! I'm thankful. Thanks for your comments on my site as well... I'm a little late in responding, but thanks for them! -EBailey

1:28 PM, July 18, 2005  
Blogger Gloria said...

I have never met your Grandfather but it is wonderful that he was able to go back to church.

Ah Yes David's party... Hmmm I think I should skip over commenting on that one. Though I should say that I did manage to get the ball over the net this time.

Sorry to hear about your hands. If your interested I could get you the name of the joint cream my Dad uses on his hands. Hope they feel better soon.

8:34 PM, July 19, 2005  
Blogger Kristi said...

So have you noticed my great restraint?

Lol...well, only for a time I suppose.
Is anything working yet? Joint pain can be so miserable...:( I have my ideas...but well, sounds like you and your Mom have found some stuff as well :) The question is then, are you consistently using it?

12:39 PM, July 22, 2005  
Blogger Mark said...

The thing with the nail gun is that I'm resting the weight (maybe 20 lb or so) of the gun on my fingers by just putting my first two fingers on the trigger (which puts it at half trigger, ready for the tip to hit it's target and fire the gun), but I'm still having to squeeze's all very weird to describe.

Beth - I'm not very good at responding to comments either. I hope it doesn't make me look a little snobbish sometimes.

Gloria - you got it over the net most of the time so I wouldn't let it worry you. I wasn't doing so hot either--hehe...and it was hurting my fingers to set the ball. I'm just a beat-up old man I guess.

Kristi - yes, you have used impecable restraint. I'm impressed. I laughed so hard on Wednesday when we talked about it because I had just finished recounting to Kat your dire predictions about all my other ailments of the past (blindness, deafness etc.) and then I told her that if I brought it up to you, you would say I'm going to lose my second later you did just that! It was so perfect! I do appreciate the concern. :)

Crystal - Grandma has been doing her own bits of research on my behalf for the hand problem--in the diet realm. I have yet to check them out--I can't see myself altering things too severely, though, when I have to eat what it conveniant a lot of the time (the whole crew had pizza for lunch today after all).

5:50 PM, July 22, 2005  
Blogger Gloria said...

I couldn't tell that it was hurting your hands. Your very good at hiding your pain. Hope your hands are feeling better now.

3:48 PM, July 25, 2005  

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