The local news
I'm getting the chance to shoot some pictures by virtue of the camera from the publication I'm shooting for--such a nice machine. I only hope I can master all the functions before I need to give it up. Excuse the careless ordering...

Anna upon arriving home from work perhaps.

Rebekah perusing the menu at Dutch Mothers in Lynden. Nathan treated the lot of us to breakfast on Saturday.

One picture that Nathan didn't censor--slipped through the cracks it did!

Just before Nathan left yesterday. Anna was at work (I'm just about to head to work right there).

Rachel packing Timothy off to the car from the restaurant.

Cousins-friends: Kylee and Mary.

Grandpa and Grandma Neff as of yesterday.

Anna upon arriving home from work perhaps.

Rebekah perusing the menu at Dutch Mothers in Lynden. Nathan treated the lot of us to breakfast on Saturday.

One picture that Nathan didn't censor--slipped through the cracks it did!

Just before Nathan left yesterday. Anna was at work (I'm just about to head to work right there).

Rachel packing Timothy off to the car from the restaurant.

Cousins-friends: Kylee and Mary.

Grandpa and Grandma Neff as of yesterday.
Yay! Pics of family. I actually got to meet Nathan when I was out west...I think you two are quite alike :)
Those are neat photos...Nathan really doesn't look like you in this...I still feel ridiculous.
I love how it focuses so well on the subject of the shot and has the slight blur on the background. Nice camera, nice family...perfect combination :)
Beautiful! I loved seeing everyonee's faces - thanks! -Beth
Nice pictures. All except the one of Nathan, that was a little scary.
Very nice indeed... Hope you get to keep this camera for a while :)
Talanted, with an artistic flare.
Don't y'all just love younger brothers...ahem, ahem! I agree with Gloria. Yeah, definitely. Mark needs to replace the pic in question with a better one. Hey, that the applause of agreement I hear? Well, whatdya know--it is!
The rest of the pics are absolutely fabulous, mind you.
Sunday, January 22, 2006
RE: Suggestions for Pic Replacement
1. One aspect to keep in mind would be the hair/beard combination issue. The preference of the subject leans toward any photos during the time period after his hair was cut and his beard trimmed down to a goutee.
2. Another item to consider is proximity of the camera lens to the subject. Regarding inches/feet/centimeters, more is better...there is strength in numbers, as the sayings go.
3. The subject would like to point out that the purpose of this memorandum is suggestion only.
The Subject
Sunday, January 22, 2006
RE: Suggestions for Pic Replacement
1. The subject should understand that no pictures exist of his post-trimmed state.
2. The photographer maintains that the distance between the camera and the intended subject is a matter of opinion and preference. While this is not to say the photo in question was ideal, it certainly is more in tune with the photographer's favorite generalization about photography: closer is better; compelling pictures are detailed pictures.
3. One alternative can be suggested in case the matter cannot be reconciled: a photo of the photographer can replace the photo in question, thus satisfying a secondary complaint from a certain third party.
The Photographer
cool pics, (cept i dont know half the people that are in them :)
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