Name-calling (part II)

So the name is still pending. I do thank you for all the input. Some of them were quite clever:
"Big Joe"... I just can't bring myself to call a small truck big.
"The Sword of 1000 Truths"... And paint a sword across the hood?
"Monty"... Catchy! If I come up with a good reason...
"Challenger"... Yes, I know, I know. But I don't intend to repeat history that soon.
"Trickie-woo"... I'm sorry, I haven't read the book, so I wouldn't be honest.
"Truckie-woo"... Clever, but see above.
Additional thoughts:
"Walker" or "Chuck"... Hehe. Tell me you know where I'm going with that and why.
"Silver" or "Trigger"... Good names for a good steed.
"Casper"... The friendly ghost?
Anymore thoughts?
It looks friendly and blithe: how about Mator? (For the record, I did in the old Jetta; it only took a cargo van, a transport truck and a jet engine...)
Mark - I do see where you are going with "Walker" and "Chuck" but I am not a fan of "Walker" for a truck: sounds like you will be "walking" a lot - when it breaks down. . .
You could use "Forest" or "Texas" or "Ricky" - do you remember the "Ranger Rick" magazines?
How about Malibino?
Sorry, can't see how big it is in a picture like that. What about "Old Faithful" or maybe just plain "Faithful"?
Mr. Putt Putt. And don't ask where that came from.
Well Mark, aside from my extreem delight in your choice of new wheels (well the whole Ford thing doesn't delight me but I'll get over soon) I do appreciate your desire for a fitting name. I have read all the James Harriet books and while I think it's hillarious I just can't see you driving around in "Trucky-Woo"! I will definetlly give it some thought and maybe have a chat with my trusty Cashmere Steed and will get back to you if I think of any possibilities. Good luck with this naming process and don't worry it might take some time for you to really get to know it and decide on just the perfect one! By they way I would of course love more details about how you came to aquire this automobile and it's specifics. LOL
ok I did have another thought... are there any characters from LOTR that might work? Any with white hair or maybe anything transportation related? Since I haven't seen the movies or read the books I don't know but it was just a thought.
Hey hey...not a bad inspiration. Shadowfax has white hair and certainly, being the lord of all horses, is transportation related. However, I don't know if my steed aspires to that honor--pretentious as it would seem.
I vote for Monty ( can I vote for my own nomination?)
Granted that I am from a different generation, but what comes to mind is Kojak, the 70's bald white guy detective. He even came with a tag line; Who loves ya baby?
Oh Mark I really like Shadowfax. Someday Shadowfax and the Cashmere stead will have to meet! That just has a nice ring to it! LOL I used to know a horse named Shadowfax so maybe that's why it feels very comfortable. Monty isn't my first choice. Do let us know what you settle on.
I guess Toby is still feeling poorly? My sincere and heartfelt condolences to him.
ok Mark so I think it's time you told us the name you settled on. I know you have been busy with other persuits like driving it around and all that but please do share. I meant to ask you when I saw you the other day but alas that short term memory loss got the better of me and I was quickly distracted by just seeing it in person that I totally forgot to ask for a proper introduction! Or am I to suppose from Rebecka's post that you named it Toby???
Toby is his computer. Thus the lack of Mark of late. :)
Ah! thank you Becka. Now I understand. I hope Toby is better soon :-)
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